Whois Domain Lookup

Domain Whois Checker

Query whois in the simplest way

Domain WHOIS is a publicly accessible database that stores essential information about a registered domain. This information includes details about the domain's owner, registration and expiration dates, domain registrar, and the domain's name servers.

domain whois


The most popular and professional extension for any kind of website.

$/1st yr



Grow your network, and your business, with a .net domain.

$/1st yr



Brand your site as an organization for greater good.

$/1st yr



Show you're at the forefront of today's tech scene with highly relevant domain.

$/1st yr



Brand your site as an organization for greater good.

$/1st yr



Brand your site as an organization for greater good.

$/1st yr



The most popular and professional extension for any kind of website.

$/1st yr



Get personal. Show off what you're all about to your visitors.

$/1st yr


Your domain comes bearing gifts

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Domain Lock

Prevent unauthorized transfers of your domain names, & retain control to unlock domains if you so please.

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If you forget to renew your domain, you could lose it (gasp!). That's why we set up auto renew, so you don't gotta worry.

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Email Forwarding

If you'd like, automatically forward any of your domain's email addresses to any other valid email address.

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Privacy Protection

You can free protect your personal information from being publicly available on the WHOIS database.

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DNS Management

Route your DNS to us, another host, dedicated IPs, the moon — wherever you'd like (minus the moon part).

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Easy Management

Our control panel is designed for ease of use. Manage your online awesomeness from one single dashboard.

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Status Alerts

Prevent unauthorized transfers of your domain names, & retain control to unlock domains if you so please.

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Simple & Intuitive

We integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WebsiteBuilder, and SiteLock, to name a few. We'll help you get online with ease.

Domain Whois Checker


Here, your domain is more than a name.

Helping you find the perfect domain is just the beginning. With DCHost,
you’ll have access to a whole lot more.

Lightning-fast search

Quickly find that perfect domain among the multitude of options available.

Domain Privacy

Keep your personal info concealed from possible spammers and identity thieves.

Huge Selection

We make it easy to find a unique, creative domain name that helps your site stand out.

Peace of mind

Have confidence in knowing you’re working with a trusted global domain provider.

Geo-location domains

We make it easy to find a unique, creative domain name that helps your site stand out.

Sales & Support

24/7 Uninterrupted Support.

DCHost supports hundreds of thousands of websites worldwide.
Let our experts help you build, grow and manage your website effectively.

International calling rates may apply.

DCHost Support
D.I.Y. with 24/7 Support

Every DCHost account comes with free 24/7 support and access to our how-to guide books.

Expert 1:1 Building Guidance

Add Blue Sky live support for hands-on WordPress website guidance every step of the way.

We Build It For You

Our design team can create your entire website for you. It's the easiest way to go from dream to done.


What is a domain name?

A domain name is the online address for your website. The IP address is a unique string of numbers and other characters that is used across the Internet to access websites from any device or location. Think of a domain like a contact number in your phone. Instead of typing a series of complicated numbers (IP address) into a browser, you type in a domain name. A domain name can be followed by many unique TLDs, giving you a chance to stand out online.

Is my domain name available?

Since there are so many domain name options to choose from, the first thing you want to check is that your chosen domain name is still available. To begin, you will enter the domain name in the search box and then click “Search” for your results. When the search is complete, if your domain name is available, you’ll be directed to a page where you can review and purchase it. In the event your domain name isn’t available, DCHost can provide several variations and extensions of that domain name for you to choose from.

How should I choose my domain name?

Choosing a domain name is important for your website because it represents your brand or business online. We recommend choosing a short domain with relevant keywords so visitors can easily access your website. While your domain can include letters, numbers or hyphens, you’ll want to avoid any special characters so it’s easy to remember and type into a web browser.

Is Domain Privacy + Protection worth it?

When you purchase a domain name, your personal information is registered to your domain and can be found in the public WHOIS directory. In order to keep your information private you want to utilize DCHost’s Domain Privacy + Protection, which also helps protect you from spam and identity theft by keeping your personal information concealed and instead listing generic DCHost contact information. Domain Privacy + Protection also scans the website you created with your domain and alerts you if there are any changes made or if there is any harmful malware.

Why do I need a domain name?

Your domain name is connected to a series of letters and numbers called an IP address which solidifies your online address. Domain names not only add credibility to your brand or business, but also help visitors find you online. Having a branded website can help attract visitors to your business. You can increase your online visibility through marketing and rank higher on search engines with the help of SEO. Without a domain name, people would have to remember your IP address. This could be confusing to remember or easily forgotten and would ultimately prohibit you from ever growing your website audience.

Which domain names are available?

There are tons of websites on the internet. That’s why when you select your domain name it’s important that you find a TLD that accurately reflects what your website is about. DCHost sells a wide array of domain extensions such as: .com, .club, .co, .space, .us, .ca, .website, .org, .net, .me, .biz, .info, .host, .online, .site and more! Domain extensions are the perfect way to express your brand in a vivid and creative way.

Can I transfer my domain name to DCHost?

Yes, once you have purchased a hosting plan with DCHost, the process of transferring a domain is easy. Simply follow the instructions in your control panel to make the transfer and begin using your domain name from your DCHost account.

Why should you buy a domain name with DCHost?

When you choose DCHost as your domain provider you are given the ability to create a fully customizable website. We feature various domain name extensions that empower you to make a website reflective of their blog, brand or business. You can use our domain finder to search and select a domain that will get you one step closer to starting your website!

Thought of that perfect domain?

* The promotional price is for the first term only and renews at the regular rate.

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